Selling your home is a big decision and you have chosen the right property practitioner to help you. Now, it is time to present your home in the best possible way.

In today's digital world, potential buyers are looking for instant gratification, so it is important to make sure your home grabs their attention. Your property practitioner should offer a full suite of photographic services, such as still, video, and drone footage. However, don't rely on photoshop and AI to make your home look better than it is. Instead, take the time to make sure your home is ready for the big shoot.

Start outside. Take care to mow the lawn, trim flower beds, clear any clutter from the garden, touch up paintwork, and clean the roof.

When it comes to the interior, remember that potential buyers want to imagine themselves living there. Clear clutter, pack early, and make sure kitchen countertops and bathrooms are clean. Let the light shine in by opening all doors, curtains, and blinds. Give the whole house a fresh coat of paint and remove any old stains on ceilings, doors, and walls. Clean carpets and use fragrant fresheners to add to the sensory impression.

Keep the property in this condition for all viewings and show days to maximize the client experience. These simple tips can add value to your home, ensure maximum clicks, and get your property sold!